Wearable X at the Musée de L’Homme
Wearable X featured in the Limits of Humanity Exhibition at the Musée De L’Homme!
“The limits of Humanity,” is a hybrid exhibition that questions every facet of human identity. The exhibition pushes for creative thought on questioning our limits, future & responsibility as humans on the planet. Within the exhibition you will see immersive and artistic stagings for a unique experience. Wearable X’s “Nadi X and Navigate Jacket,” showcase the intersection between technology and fashion to create a better quality of life.
Wearable Experiments is featured in this year's Musée De L’Homme, “Aux Frontieres de L”human,” meaning “Limits of Humanity.” The showcase will run from October 2020 until May 2022. The Musée de L’Homme in Paris, France focuses on the evolution of humans and human societies. This specific exhibition explores the areas of life such as our human limits, questioning our future and our responsibility to the planet. Visit the Museum for a truly unique experience, featuring the Wearable X platform.
Exhibition Dates: October 2020 - May 2022
“We are filled with gratitude to have Nadi X, our smart yoga line, now a part of the permanent collection at Musée De L’Homme.” CEO & Creative Director Billie Whitehouse “It has been our ongoing mission starting with Fundawear and Navigate to explore how haptic feedback integrated into soft & hard goods can change the way we, as humans, interact with the world around us, with our own bodies and with the people who mean most to us.”
Wearable X’s mission is to design products that allow the wearer to connect with what is important, whether that is to Navigate a new city without the distraction of a screen or map, or to navigate a new yoga pose from the comfort of your home. As the leader in haptic clothing Wearable X aims to design for a better quality of life. The NAVIGATE jacket and Nadi X feature integrated sensor technology and haptic feedback that highlights how technology can be invisibly integrated and designed with the human experience in mind.
Nadi X is our smart yoga leggings and app that provides posture analysis & guidance through audio guidance and built-in gentle vibrations. The goal is to assist the wearer in guiding their yoga through the step-by-step audio & vibration instructions that lets the wearer know where to focus.
The NAVIGATE jacket is a smart jacket and app with haptic feedback. The app stores relevant destinations and sends directions to the jacket which help the wearer find their destination through turn-by-turn directions sent through by gentle vibrations. This simplifies the journey of the wearer by navigating unimpeded by a screen or map.
The Wearable X platform allows wearers easy access to technology, while allowing them to stay present. If you don‘t have the opportunity to come see our exhibit in person, stay in the know through following us on social media (Twitter, Intsagram, TikTok, Pinterest) and signing up for our newsletter!